Mission-oriented Innovation Policy Observatory

MIPO PhD students

Remi Elzinga MSc
Email: r.elzinga@uu.nl Read more
Sanne Bours MSc
Email: s.a.m.j.v.bours@uu.nl Read more
Sabine de Graaff MSc
Email: s.e.degraaff@uu.nl Read more
Pelle Berkhout MA
Email: j.m.berkhout@uu.nl Read more
Sophie van Doorm MSc
Email: s.a.m.vandoorm@uu.nl Read more
Davine Janssen MSc
Davine is employed at the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs
Email: d.n.g.janssen@uu.nl Read more
Maurits Terwindt
Maurits is employed at The Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis (KiM)
Email: m.j.a.terwindt@uu.nl
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Wim Huibregtse
Wim is employed at HZ University of Applied Sciences