Academic studies
- Klerkx, L., Begemann, S. & Janssen, M. (2024). Mission co-creation and the balance between exploitative and explorative innovation: Insights from the Dutch Circular Agriculture transition. Science and Public Policy.
- Wiarda, M., Janssen, M., Coenen, T., & Doorn, N. (2024). Responsible mission governance: An integrative framework and research agenda. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.
- Janssen, M., Wanzenböck, I., Fünfschilling, L., & Pontikakis, D. (2024). Governance arrangements for the implementation of transformative innovation policy: Insights from a comparative case study. Forthcoming in: Edler, J., Matt, M., Polt, W. and Weber, M. (eds.) Transformative missions and STI policies. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Uyarra, E., Flanagan, K., & Wanzenböck, I. (2024). The spatial and scalar implications of missions: Challenges and opportunities for policy. Forthcoming in: Edler, J., Matt, M., Polt, W. and Weber, M. (eds.) Transformative missions and STI policies. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- (2023). On the resilience of innovation systems, Industry and Innovation, DOI: 10.1080/13662716.2023.2269110
- Wesseling, J. & Mijerhof, N. (2023). Towards a Mission-oriented Innovation Systems (MIS) approach, application for Dutch sustainable maritime shipping, PLOS Sustainability and Transformation.
- Kok, K. P., & Klerkx, L. (2023). Addressing the politics of mission-oriented agricultural innovation systems. Agricultural Systems, 211, 103747.
- Elzinga, R., Janssen, M., Negro, S., Wesseling, J., Hekkert, M. (2023). Assessing mission-specific innovation systems: Towards an analytical framework. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions.
- Wiarda, M., Sobota, V., Janssen, M., Van de Kaa, G., Yaghmaei, E., & Doorn, N. (2023). Public participation in mission-oriented innovation projects. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.
- Hekkert, M. P. (2023). Response to “Missions and mission-oriented innovation policy for sustainability: A review and critical reflection. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 100722.
- Janssen, M., Wesseling, J., Torrens, J., Weber, M., Penna, C., & Klerkx, L. (2023). Missions as boundary objects for transformative change: Understanding coordination across policy, research and stakeholder communities. Science and Public Policy.
- Janssen, M. & Abbasiharofteh, M. (2022). Boundary spanning R&D collaboration: Key Enabling Technologies and Missions as alleviators of proximity effects? Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 180, 121689.
- Janssen, M., Bergek, A., Wesseling, J. (2022). Evaluating systemic innovation and transition programmes: Towards a culture of learning. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation.
- Flanagan, K., Uyarra, E., Wanzenböck, I., (2022). Towards a problem-oriented regional industrial policy: possibilities for public intervention in framing, valuation and market formation. Regional Studies.
- Craens, J., Frenken, K., Meelen, T. (2022). Mission-oriented innovation policy: The case of the Swedish ‘Vision Zero’ approach to traffic safety, in: J.A. Annema, J. Köhler, B. van Wee (eds.), Innovations in transport. Success, failure, Societal impacts, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
- Bours, S. A., Wanzenböck, I., & Frenken, K. (2021). Small wins for grand challenges. A bottom-up governance approach to regional innovation policy . European Planning Studies, 1-28.
- Janssen, M. (2021). Legitimation and effects of mission-oriented innovation policies: A spillover perspective . Hacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics.
- Janssen, M., Torrens, J.C.L., Wesseling, J., Wanzenböck, I., (2021). The promises and premises of mission-oriented innovation policy: A reflection and ways forward . Science and Public Policy, 48(3),438-444.
- Wanzenböck, I., Frenken, K., 2020. The subsidiarity principle in innovation policy for societal challenges , Global Transitions, 2, p.p. 51-59, ISSN 2589-7918.
- Hekkert, M.P., Janssen, M., Wesseling, J.H., Negro, S., 2020. Mission-oriented Innovation Systems . Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 34, 76-79.
- Wanzenböck I, Wesseling JH, Frenken K, Hekkert MP, Weber KM. (2020). A framework for mission-oriented innovation policy: Alternative pathways through the problem–solution space , Science and Public Policy.